The fastest way to build payment forms hosted on fawaterak.
This is how to embed Fawaterak payments into your own website using IFrame, the plugin lists
your activated payment methods and users can easily choose the payment method they need to
pay with it .
Before starting, login to Fawaterak dashboard and from left side menu > Integrations > Fawaterak:
Update IFrame domains with the domains will load the IFrame, comma separated of multi domains.
Each Domain must be in the HTTPS protocol and without "/" at the end.
First Step , you need to include Fawaterak plugin into your checkout page:
<script src=""></script>
Second Step , Append Fawaterk div with id fawaterkDivId in any place in your checkout page:
<div id="fawaterkDivId"></div>
Third step : Prepare plugin object data:
var pluginConfig = {
envType: "test",
hashKey: "HASH-KEY",
requestBody: {
"cartTotal": "50",
"currency": "EGP",
"customer": {
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "fawaterk",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "0123456789",
"address": "test address"
"redirectionUrls": {
"successUrl": "",
"failUrl": "",
"pendingUrl": ""
"cartItems": [{
"name": "this is test oop 112252",
"price": "25",
"quantity": "1"
"name": "this is test oop 112252",
"price": "25",
"quantity": "1"
"payLoad": {
Key | M/O | Value |
envType | Mandatory | test or live |
hashKey | Mandatory | HMAC generated key, check here |
version | Optional | (string/integer) this is for one domain and multi vendor accounts so, if you set version to 1 you have to add "?version=1" at your Fawaterak dashboard IFRAM DOMAINS. Default 0, in this case you don't have to add "?version=0" |
style.listing | Optional | vertical (default) or horizontal, this is for listing payment icons. check "Horizontal view" image below. |
requestBody.cartTotal | Mandatory | cartTotal: total amount to pay payLoad: (OPTIONAL), to be recieved in the paid webhook. |
requestBody.currency | Mandatory | currency: EGP/USD/EUR... |
requestBody.customer | Mandatory | first_name: Mandatory last_name: Mandatory customer_unique_id: Mandatory for tokenization save card option |
requestBody.payLoad | Optional | payLoad: to be recieved in the paid webhook. |
redirectionUrls | Mandatory | successUrl: Redirect URL after payment success. failUrl: Redirect URL after payment fails. pendingUrl: Redirect URL after payment pending. |
cartItems | Mandatory | Items details. |
Finally : You need to call fawaterkCheckout(pluginConfig); javascript function.
Horizontal view:
Fawaterk uses hashing to ensure that Payment UI and responses shared between your application and Fawaterk. We use SHA256 hashing for that.
hashKey generation uses HMAC SHA256 Crypto mechanism, you should generate the hash from your backend and is implemented as explained below:
function generateHashKey($data){
$hash = hash_hmac( 'sha256' , $queryParam , $secretKey ,false);
return $hash;
FAWATERAK_VENDOR_KEY -> Login to Fawaterak dashboard > left side menu > Integrations > Fawaterak > API Key
FAWATERAK_PROVIDER_KEY -> Login to Fawaterak dashboard > left side menu > Integrations > Fawaterak > Provider Key
There is an online tool for HMAC generation you can check it here